You have found the homepage of the Freeport Police Benevolent Association.
The Freeport PBA was established in 1928 and now consists of ninety-one members of the Freeport Police Department. Our members range in the rank of Police Officer to Detective Lieutenant.
The Freeport PBA is an active participant in many fraternal organizations that strive for the betterment of police. Some of the organizations the Freeport PBA is a member of are the Nassau Police Conference and Police Conference in New York.
In addition, the Freeport PBA remains a strong influence in the community. Our members are involved with countless programs that benefit the Village of Freeport. Some of these programs include: Toys for Freeport Tots, Annual Senior Citizens Luncheon and Indenti-Kid/Kiddie Print.
The Freeport PBA is also an active member of many organizations in the Village of Freeport like the Chamber of Commerce. The Freeport PBA also participates in many charitable functions and donates thousands of dollars to the worthy causes they represent.